Draft documents 

Commenting on the documents below is now closed and the NDP document is complete; the date of the 6-week consultation period will be announced by West Berkshire Council

Draft NDP

Progress to 23rd August 2015 is reflected in this newer draft. Please not that while editing still in progress, photographs and other illustrations have been removed and the layout is provisional

Draft NDP V3.2

The draft NDP available here is for information about progress made up to 30th June 2015 . When the final draft is complete it will be made available here for a period of public consultation

Draft NDP V2.3

Draft sections of the NDP (comments  invited until 20th June)

Please note that all the sections of the NDP available here are first drafts, they will be significantly developed with references, maps, justification, further analysis etc. They are being made available at their current stage of development so the public can be aware of the policies that have come out of the questionnaire results.

Vision and Strategy

SWOT Analysis

Residential Site Allocation Policies

Affordable Homes Policies

Design Policies

Commercial Policies

Infrastructure Policies

Biodiversity Policies

Green Spaces Policies

Heritage Policies