All About Neighbourhood Development Plans

Here are some sources of information about Neighbourhood Planning:

Central government information about Neighbourhood Planning can be found here.

The My Community Rights website (provided by the Department for Communities and Local Government) giving practical infomation Neighbourhood Planning can be found here.

Information about Neighbourhood Planning from the Planning Portal, provided by the Department for Communities and Local Government can be found here

The Department for Communities and Local Government has also issued Notes on Neighbourhood Planning: The Story so Far, with information about the first 50 successful NDPs. 

Guidance for communities undertaking a Neighbourhood Development Plan from Locality, a nation-wide network of community-led organisations can be found here.

Another document by Locality, The Power of  Neighbourhood Planning explains what communities can achieve.

Some useful NDPs for other villages or towns for comparison:

Ascot, Sunninghill and Sunningdale Neighbourhood Plan

Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan

Tattenhall and District Neighbourhood Plan